Link to the Quiz (AIGP Free Practice Questions)
Domain-ID.. Practice Quiz ("Understand the history of AI and the evolution of data science)
Syllabus Outline:
Domain I. Understanding the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (12 items)
├── IA. Understand the basic elements of AI and ML (4)
├── IB. Understand the differences among types of AI systems (4)
├── IC. Understand the AI technology stack (2)
└── ID. Understand the history of AI & the evolution of data science (2) ✅
Domain I has 4 sub-domains. This series of posts is focused on the resources and practice questions on the fourth sub-domain i.e. "Understand the history of AI and the evolution of data science"
Domain ID. Topics Covered in BoK (Total No. of Items: 2):
1️⃣ 1956 Dartmouth summer research project on AI.
2️⃣ Summers, winters and key milestones.
3️⃣ Understand how the current environment is fueled by
exponential growth in computing infrastructure and tech
megatrends (cloud, mobile, social, IOT, PETs, blockchain,
computer vision, AR/VR, metaverse).
A detailed answer key will be revealed 12 hours after posting the quiz. Feel free to drop your answers in the comments.
Link to the Quiz (AIGP Free Practice Questions)
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